Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Adventures of a SAHM...

Once upon a time my refrigerator had nothing on it. I mean on the side I had photos, birth announcements from friends, important phone numbers, etc. etc. but I rarely had anything on the front. That was by choice. My fridge just looked cleaner that way (you like how I said "my" fridge...I suppose I can let Keith have some of it, too.) But my friends, I have added a beautiful Monet-quality finger painting and a monthly calendar that has something marked on it pretty much everyday of the week. I have gone from being a stay-at home-what-am-I-going-to-do-today-while-keeping-my-sanity kind of mom (for ease let's abbreviate that SAHWAIGTDTWKMSM) to an SPMOTYBIHTKACOMFTKMS -- Oh! That would stand for a Self-proclaimed-mom-of-the-year-because-I-have-to-keep-a-calendar-on-my-fridge-to-keep-my-sanity...Mom. I tell ya...I am in a new league! I have joined a moms group here in town and there is stuff going on multiple times a week, I have my MOPS group at my church and I am excitedly jumping onto the leadership team for that, Ava and I go to story time every Thursday, the Galleria play area on most guys, I knew I couldn't sit still for long. This is what happens when you go to school straight from Kindergarten through a Masters, jump into a full-time job, and uuuuuurk (those are breaks...) you are at home full-time. I-Love-it (I am all about hyphens makes it dramatic though, doesn't it?).
Today Ava and I went to a Pre-Valentine's Day playdate. Oh, my precious baby. She is just the sweetest thing ever. Who needs toys when you have stairs, dogs, tape, Tupperware, or chocolate. Through Ava's eyes, this house had it all! Ava must have a smell for Tupperware 'cause she found the cabinet within minutes. It was quite amazing to say the least.

This morning, I got up way before Ava did so that I could get everything ready for the playdate we were attending. I was trying to be SuperMom by making her breakfast so it would be on her tray waiting for her when she got up. I had the baby monitor on in the kitchen so I could hear her when she woke up. So I was quietly cooking and all of the sudden I dropped a spoon on the floor. My heart was pounding! I closed my eyes and clenched my fists in anticipation for the screaming that was about to come flying from the monitor speaker. But no. I heard the softest, sweetest, most sleepiest "uh ohhhhhh." After I wiped my melted heart up off the floor I went into her room and smothered her in smooches.

I know, I am ridiculous. Enjoy the pics!

Ava and Corbin...sorta looks like they're on a date, doesn't it? Don't tell Daddy.

"Um said it was just going to be the two of us...."

I think this was after she stole someone else's cookie. Can't you see the guilt?

My clean fridge.

Thanks for reading.


Unknown said...

Emily, I LOVE the composition of the pics you grab of Ava! So precious! The one from the other day - where she's looking out your front window is just amazing! We love story-time with you guys, too!

Doziers said...

I love the storyteller that you are mommy! A picture is worth a thousand words! LOVE these pics! She is incredible!