I just love our church! Keith and I have been going to Irving Bible Church (
http://www.irvingbible.org/) since before we got married. Throughout these last5 or 6 years we have lived all around town and have always driven a little bit of distance to get there (from our house now it takes us about 45 minutes) So it MUST be a good church, right?! Well, since I had Ava, I became a Mommy (....), and because I became a Mommy, I was able to join a MOPS group at my church. Now, MOPS stands for Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers. I know, I know, Ava is one...she is not in pre-school yet, but you should see this little child and her energy. She is going to give those pre-school teachers a run for their money (and me). But, I was able to join anyway. I tell you something...you have no idea how much I look forward to those Wednesdays that I go. Ava gets to play with her friends in the nursery, and I get to play with my friends in my meeting. It's just plain awesome. Not only do I get to put on make-up for the first time in a week, but I get to listen to fantastic speakers (i.e. we had a doc come in who specializes in discipline...ooooo I ate that up!) and I get to hang out with some wonderful moms. Last night, my table had a girls night out. I had almost forgotten what that meant! I have no guilt confessing that it was a lot of fun. I have no guilt confessing that I cranked the volume of Leona Lewis' voice AND the bass in my car....with the sunroof open...and all of the other windows...(I
had been listening to Baby Einstein's day at the farm DVD...) and I have no guilt confessing that I ate a part of that mouth watering, gooey, luscious, delectable, what-ever-it-was chocolate brownie fudge cake (go ahead, picture it and drool...) But all that to say, my Tutti Frutti Snowcone moms are great! I think our waiter got a little mad at us because we were there for three hours talking until almost 10:30. They close at 10. Oops. But, I enjoyed my night out, and I know Keith enjoyed his night in. It's good for him, too. He gets to spend time with Lil' Miss Priss and then catch up on all of his DVRs. So it was good for the both of us, I know. And, even though I ended up on the recliner at 5:30am with a sad, stuffy, sniffly baby...I feel remarkably refreshed for this Friday and the weekend (can I just add in there that I am SO excited to get my brand new state of the art
old file cabinet painted this weekend...I LOVE to organize!!!!) Anyway, life is good and has so much promise right now. A few things I am SO thankful for: a husband who makes a daily effort to love me and understand the complicated creature that I am, my precious baby girl who melted my heart at 5:30 this morning as she breathed like a little piggy, my car for taking me to Sonic everyday, and this beautiful weather. I can't help but be in a good mood when I have all of the windows open in the house.