Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Counting the Days

Okay! I must highlight 2 brand-new additions to my blog (see tickers to the right.) MAJ-OR events happenin'! And now, ladies and gentlemen, you are clued into my happenings! I know....yesssssssss!

Okay (deep breath)! Who gets giddy about running???? (*crickets chirping*) Is this mic on? Okay, well, pretend for a second so that you can feel my excitement. I mentioned previously about a rather (uh-hum) large purchase Keith and I made for our Christmas gift this past Christmas. Well, I'll have you know, my feet have been on that treadmill raisin' my pulse at least 4 times a week. And when I wasn't on that, I was doing strength training on our Wii Fit. Why am I torturing myself? Well, I have plans up my sleeve and a new "me" to achieve (haha, you like that? I just came up with it.) Now, it has not been without a major fight. And, I will be the first to tell you that I have yelled out the word "stupid" at my Wii Fit trainer a-many a-times. But for some reason, I feel like I need to prove it to myself that I can do this run. And I am looking at this 5k as a warm-up for longer runs to come (are you gettin' ready Momma?!). And I am way excited! And I just have to add, sidenote: The treadmill has literally become Ava's bowling alley. It's hysterical. She has a plastic bowling ball and pins -- earlier today, I put the treadmill at an incline so she could roll the ball down to knock down the pins. Each time, she would roll it down, knock down the pins, walk around the treadmill, get her ball, and start again. No offense to bowlers, but I thought she would take up tumbling before becoming a Queen-pin. Maybe not.

Now, the second countdown ticker is huge with a capital H. Keith and I have been blessed to take a nice trip every year since we met. The last 2 years, Ava has been our trip...and what a trip she's been! But the time has come. We are itching to go somewhere. Keith and I have always wanted to take a Pacific coast road trip from San Diego all the way up to the Napa Valley. There are so many things we want to see along the way. The top of Keith's priority list? He wants to see the Pacific coast through the windows of a Lotus (I don't think Enterprise rents those out...) My priority list? Hel-lo! I am going to The Price is Right! It is no secret to those of you who know me that it has been a childhood dreeeeam to go see The Price is Right. I didn't get a good night's sleep when my old dear friend Bob Barker left the show. But that's okay! Really! Because I am going to be on that show. Come October 21st, I might be hanging my head low and wiping away a few tears, but all I want is to get into that studio. The CBS angels will be singing gloriously! But, this trip will be bittersweet. My dear sweet Ava will be playing her little heart out with Gigi and Poppy and Granna and Granddaddy. Oh....surprise Granna and Grandaddy! : ) I do get a pain in the pit of my stomach when I think about leaving her for that long. And uh, grand-folks? She'll be freshly 2...are ya ready?!?! Get some good tennis shoes!

So there you have it. I'm just going to run my way to The Price is Right. Let me know if you have any good t-shirt ideas.

Thanks for reading.


Alicia said...

I yell at my Wii Fit trainer all the time too. "You were a little shaky!" "SHUT UP!"

Your road trip sounds fun! I have also always wanted to go to The Price Is Right!!

MomandDad said...

You remind me so much of myself... except younger and prettier and more committed to goals and more determined to not let anything stand in your way....but other than that you're just like me :) I love you...XXXOOO MOM