Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just Hangin' Out...

Yeah, yeah, I know....I couldn't resist the pun. For some reason, the urge to organize something hits me every once in awhile...throughout the day. It seems my biggest "do something" day is Sunday. Unlike someone we all know, Sunday is NOT my day to rest and look at what I created. It is a day to straighten! This past Sunday, I decided to tackle a project that I have been putting off for some time now. I *sniff* sniff* cleaned out my baby girl's closet. As noted on the hanger above, Ava had quite an assortment of clothing sizes in her closet and in her drawers. I keep it all close at hand just in case she'll fit into something again...I mean we have some really cute 0-3 dresses! Just kidding. I already boxed those up. While crying. Just kidding. Not really. But all I have to say is if we ever have a little boy, he is going to look SO cute in all of these clothes. Just kidding. Not really. But we are going to have a lot of shopping to do.

So anyway, as you can probably imagine, I had tons of hangers left over. In a mad dash to de-clutter the living room, I gathered all of the hangers and piled them on the recliner. As I was cooking dinner, Ava was going back and forth from the kitchen hugging on my leg desperate for food, to the living room stepping up and down on the Wii Fit board (which she thinks is equivalent to climbing Mount Everest so one needs to be ready to applaud for her). Then I see Keith charging for the camera. I didn't know what was happening! Was Ava doing somersaults? Was she tap dancing? Was she pushing the couch around the living room? And there she was, my little monster was making snow angels in my pile of hangers. She was having the time of her life doing it, too. And even though it made me a little uneasy, I left those hangers out for days. A couple of times throughout the day I would pile them up onto the recliner. And every single time, A few minutes later, Ava would knock them all down and have a little play date with her hangers. I love this child.

It was a gorgeous Sunday! Keith and I took Ava for a long walk in her stroller and we stopped by the park to play. She met some new friends. One was her age and was about to have a new baby sister (yikes!) The other little boy was about 4 and he wanted Ava to do everything he was doing. Of course she tried to. Her energy at 15 months just amazes me.

Ava, I look at Daddy like this all the time. It has no effect on him whatsoever.

And then there's Maestro. Poor, poor, Maestro. My friends, before Keith and I got married, Maestro was my baby. After Keith and I got married, Maestro became our baby. When Ava was born....Maestro became a dog. He has been so good. I really feel so badly that I have managed to neglect him. I promised him that I would make up for all of my wrong doings this year. He's already been in the car with Keith twice (which was always a rare treat!) Maestro (or "Bubba" as Ava always calls him) just lets Ava pick on him. And I tell you what, she thinks he hung the moon. He just looks at her and she breaks out in laughter. Who wouldn't? Have you ever looked at a pug face to face? They both get a kick out of all of the pillows being on the floor. Ava counts to three and takes a nose dive on top of Maestro who is simply trying to get comfortable, I pounce on Ava because I can't resist covering her in smooches because her laughter is infectious, Maestro gets up because he can't breathe, and I get covered in dog slobber because...well, that just what happens. Aaaaaand Keith gets it all on film, staying high and dry.

Now...go outside and make some snow angels...or if you are in Texas, make 'em in some hangers inside...the heat will kill ya.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Dear Emily,
The next time you are in the park and find that child Ava's age, with a pending baby sister...think about this.
Eric was 13 1/2 months old when Aaron was born. Every moment was a blessing and every moment was busy busy.
Love you guys,
Aunt B